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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 things I have learned in the past 3 days

There are many things I have learned over the past few days:

1. I will take a miracle wherever I can get it. Having your child unresponsive and turning blue on the same day 2 EMTs and an ER nurse happen to just be sitting in the back of your church is a miracle in my book. And I will take it.

2. USA Womens and Children is one stinking good hospital. Every single doctor, nurse, tech we met was polite, caring, attentive and compassionate. The volunteers were kind and spoke to Ansley and not about her. The teachers and volunteers at the school on the 4th and 5th floor were exceptional and Ansley was thrilled to go for the little while we were there.

3. Med students and nursing students like to ask questions. And I didn't mind answering them (or attempting to answer them) at all. They were all eager to learn and we were happy to help in the process. We had at least 6 student nurses ask permission to look in her chart or examine her and 3 different med students. All were polite and appreciative.

4. Caffeine and cardiology are Ansley's new words of the week. She is off of it completely. Now when the cardiologist told her no caffeine and explained what kind of drinks contained caffeine she replied, "Those are the drinks my mommy wont let me have." Whew - at least she didn't tell him she drank Dr Pepper with her cheerios that morning (which she did not by the way). I am pretty crazy about no caffeine for my kids and always have been so this is nothing new for us. I will admit though, that I do let her have sweet tea when we eat out sometimes - but as we don't eat out much anyway, it was few and far between. But goodbye caffeine! See you again, well, never if I have my way.

5. The pediatric cardiologist and his nurse get 2 thumbs up from the Duke family. He is straightforward about her heart, but also discussed with us his addiction to texting ( I also suffer from this addiction) His nurse patiently explained her heart monitors and had everything ready for us before we go there so we could "get right on out of there as quickly as possible." She also told Ansley up front she would not be poked, squeezed, scraped or mashed with an ultrasound wand. Ansley was relieved to hear it.

6. I have the best family and friends (some are coworkers, but as I consider them SO much more than just a coworker I am just calling them my friends) in the world. Of course, I already knew this, but they really raised the bar the past few days. Good job guys. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.

7. Going on a cruise to Mexico while wearing a heart monitor is completely possible as long as the cruise ship has a phone. Which is does. We will also be passing the hat to help pay for phone calls of heart results to the doctor back in Mobile... Kidding, Kidding...gotta love modern technology though. Because of it, we are home and NOT still in the hospital.

8. We WILL have a plan of action for the next time Ansley passes out. And according to the cardiologist, there is a good chance this is something that might happen again and again. Ok - so we know its going to happen. Now we write a plan. Everyone who even MIGHT take care of my baby at school, church, dance, sleepovers, will know exactly what to do if and when it happens. So I apologize in advance if I make you listen to a lecture, take notes and then repeat to me the instructions I just gave you. I'm pretty sure no one minds though - and having help is a great relief.

9. My 2 kids and Jamey are my world. Of course, I knew this one already too, but as I am not going to cry today ( I decided this morning) I will not type a lot of mushy stuff. But I will tell you this - Ansley, Jamey and I have laughed all day at Stephen telling us about his new "arts and CRAPS" kit from Aunt Peggy. He has been doing Arts and CRAPS all day. :)

10. And last on my list, I learned that visitors, balloons, cards, emails, singing cows and dancing flowers bring out giggles that make even a hospital room a nice place to be. But I AM glad to be home with both my babies.

Now, we press on with figuring this new world of cardiology out...thanks for walking with us along the way.


A said...

OMG!!! Lettie!!! I am so glad she is okay!!! Saying a prayer for her (*and Mommy) and thanking God for giving her another chance. He is good.

Ellis said...

I was eating dinner with Lydia earlier this week and she told me about Ansley. I have been thinking about you all and will continue to pray for her!