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Sunday, February 6, 2011

So I quit facebook...

yes - i did.
And I will just say I know it sounds ridiculous. I went from being a constant facebook presence - to nothing at all.
I did this for several reasons, but definitely not b/c I think facebook is a bad thing. I think it is a GREAT thing really - but I was just on it too much. Plain and simple. I actually had my seven year old say to me, "Are you STILL on facebook?" I took that as a sign. Apparently I like to look for signs. My mom said this weekend, "Think the sun coming out is a sign? You always look for signs" about something we were discussing. I said, "Do I say that a lot?" and she said, "You do say it quite a bit."
So here is my confession - I was actually checking facebook while pushing my son on the swing last week. I mean, if that is not ridiculous, I don't know what is. Hello. My name is Lettie and I spend too much time on Facebook. 
So here I am facebook-less again.  I thought about giving it up for Lent. I thought about just taking it off my phone. But I knew what I had to do. Although I did have to google the steps in actually deactivating the account. And did you know facebook asks you about 3 times if I really wanted to deactivate? Yes. I am sure. I mean, I think so. Yes. Definitely, maybe.... yes.....
Do I miss it?
YES. I am not going to lie.But I am starting to miss it less.  But mostly I miss seeing the pictures of friends travels, adventures, and kids.
I am not sworn off for life. Or maybe I am. I don't know. I can just answer for today. And today, I need to focus my time better. I need to have time to keep up with housework, cook, grocery shop with my girl with my full attention on her, play Uno Moo with my boy without my phone in my hand.

So if there is anyone out there who thinks I am officially nuts now, feel free to say so. I don't mind. I know I am nuts. Melia told me I could text her my status updates to help ease the pain...
So far, I have not had to take her up on it - but you never know....
Happy Sunday night to all, blogging friends!


aeb said...

I think that is awesome, Lettie... but I am totally gonna miss being in touch with you :( Keep me posted via email, ok?? Love you! By the way, what is your email address??

Ellis said...

Lettie, I think that is awesome. I deleted about 100 of my "friends" a couple of months ago (basically people that I didn't really know or care if they knew anything about me!)so now I'm only friends with people who I actually consider to be real friends. It has made a difference. I can usually only get on it when Gaillard is napping or asleep for the night. I'm still rocking the old school Nokia cell phone that won't get online so I don't have to worry about that. I like keeping up with friends, but you're right, when it takes the place of spending time with your family, it is too much. Does this mean more blog posts instead? :) Happy Monday!

MBH said...

Well, i think you are insane....but for reasons not to do with facebooking. Hee,hee...I couldn't resist! I think it is great that you are taking a step back. That is one reason I told Erich I didn't need fb on an iphone. I really don't need it following me everywhere. Hope to see you soon!