Our littlest girl is now two weeks, two days old. We are celebrating by attempting a dinner at the Mariner tonight - hopefully to sit outside and watch the boats come up and down Dog River. It has threatened rain all day, but none yet, so we will see. There are only certain times in Mobile that you can eat outside and not have a heat stroke or be bled dry by mosquitoes, so I hope we can enjoy our outside eating tonight. Ms. Molly James is thrilled to go and is napping in preparation of the dinner.
Speaking of MJ, she did fabulously at her weigh in yesterday. Here are some stats.
Birth Weight - 7 pounds, 6 ounces
Leaving Hospital Weight - 6 pounds, 14 ounces
One week - 7 pounds, 1 ounce
Two week checkup yesterday - 7 pounds, 8 ounces
Way to grow, baby girl! (also, way to go me as I have nursed this baby round the clock for two weeks and think I should get to brag on myself too, as all mamas should - bottle or breastfeeding)
A few months before MJ was born, the kids began talking about what they would do for her when she got here. Ansley talked about holding her and getting her paci (side note - she still LOATHES any and all pacifiers), and rocking her. Stephen said many times that he would give her a bottle. Fast forward to us being home from the hospital a few days, Stephen walks up to me while I am sitting and nursing MJ. "When can I give her a bottle?" he asked.
"Well, she is too little for a bottle right now." I told him. "When she gets a little bigger, then you will be able to give her a bottle."
"Oh." Stephen replied. "Sooooooo, are we just not gonna feed her or what????"
So, it was then time for a very age appropriate and brief explanation of the concept of breastfeeding a baby. He was satisfied it seemed, that we were not, in fact, going to starve his baby sister and happily told me to let him know when it was time to give her a bottle. I promised he would be one of the first to know.
Sweet boy.
1 comment:
Hope your dinner survived this wind! Stephen's comment was hilarious! At least he wasn't going to let her starve!
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