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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Timing is everything...

So I think January is the longest month EVER. I mean, I know it has 31 days which is the same or more than all other months - but it still feels so long. Christmas feels like ages ago. Our trip to Vegas for our anniversary seems like a distant sleep-filled memory....And surely it should be against the law to have 5 weekends in one month between paychecks...

We head to Atlanta next weekend for a long weekend trip. We are going to see Peter Pan 360 and I am so excited. This is the show Jamey and I saw in London a year and a half ago and when we saw it, we immediately said as soon as we could, we would take our kids. And as an added (BUT SECRET) bonus, Luke is driving down to meet us. They move to CO the next week, so we are thrilled we get to see him once more time before they move.

In other news, I managed to somehow forget to pay the water bill - so guess who had a cutoff notice on her door yesterday? I mean, who does that??? Oh wait - my mom. My mom who handles everything with grace and confidence has actually done it quite a bit. Sorry to out you, mom - but as I said to her yesterday, "I am my mother's daughter." So at 3:40 when I arrive home and have Ansley run up to me asking, "Mommy - what does this special note on our door say?" I proceed to throw the children into the car as quickly as I can and fly (I mean, drive with a rapid, yet legal, speed) to the Water office, which closes at 4. (And why do they close at 4???? can anyone tell me the answer to this?) to pay the bill. And how much can you owe to get your water turned off you ask? Well, I will tell you - aparently I owed $55 for one month and $59 for another month. But is that what I have to pay? Nope - Add those two together with another $55 for a "reconnect" and "processing" fee (Does it take the lady more time to take this payment than one made on time????) for a grand total of over $150 written out in a check as fast as I could in the world's smallest office waiting area packed with people who also are panicked at the idea of spending the night in a house with two children and NO water.

"Are you gonna tell Daddy about this?" Ansley asked while we were standing in line.
"Why, yes I am." I told her. "In fact, I am going to call and tell him right now so that he must go to church before we can discuss this particular incident. Timing is everything, Ansley. Write that down."

1 comment:

aeb said...

Oh, Lettie!!!! :( NEVER a dull moment! Love you!