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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The good memories of the week...

 This girl can bait her own hook, catch a fish and then get the fish off the hook. Her future husband will be thrilled.

That bucket is full of small clear (nonstingin) jellyfish. She is an excellent jellyfish catcher.
She would stay in the water for hours.

Stephen loves the water too, but you know him and picture taking :-/

The view from the deck.

Checking out the fish daddy and a few uncles and cousins caught on one of their trips out.

Here is Stephen poking a king in the eyeball.

Jason, Mr. Fish, Eli, Ansley, Stephen and Molly James

Playing with Poppy - "I found a bug in the couch!" Poppy exclaimed pulling off Ansley's blanket.

Stephen had to have a turn being a bug too. (Good gracious he looks dark skinned in this picture)

I love the expression on Stephen's face in the picture. This is what childhood should be.

Truly this girl has my heart. What would I do without her?

Jumping waves - my sweet little man.

The lens kept fogging up in the humidity. But I like this picture of A. In this picture she is so long and lean with sweet freckles on her pink cheeks.

Blue eyed little baby girl.

The thinking baby. Cousin Vicky said of this picture, "I think, therefore I am adorable." :)

Her happy place.

Poppy watching the storm roll in one afternoon.

Nanny and Tilly doing the same.

Jamey and Ansley with a good view of the bridge in the background.

And now........

Off to another adventure...................

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