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Thursday, August 2, 2012

A little check-in

Here we are sliding right out of summer. I could say all those cliche things like how fast it went, how hot it is...those sorts of things. It has gone fast - but that is old news as a parent. It just does. Time passing fast is the norm.
Tonight we are eating french bread pizzas and watching the Olympics. I already know who wins what tonight, but Ansley does not. It is fun watching it with her. Stephen is not so interested. Last night he suggested that the Olympic officials release a shark into the pool so that the swimmers were required to race and watch out that they were not eaten. When I suggested that someone might get hurt with a shark in the pool, he simply shrugged his shoulders, thought for a moment, and then added, "Well, if they want, they can swim with a sword." So there you go.

Stephen received his Welcome to Kindergarten letter. He was interested enough to open it and ask Ansley to read it to him. He listened carefully and then was on his way to another activity. (These days spy games take up most of his time.)

We have had a bit of a time convincing him that he is absolutely fine in his bed at night. Some nights are better than others. He simply does not want to sleep alone. And by alone, I mean in the bunk bed UNDER his older sister who is obviously in the same room with him.  When we questioned him about it, he kept telling us he dreamed about a fire. It is a little strange because he has never come to us in the night about a dream and he can't tell us anything about it. So we reassure him of course. And encourage him. But we all give in a little on the sleeping arrangements. He sleeps with Ansley up top some nights and some nights he will fall asleep in our bed and then Jamey will move him. He is wise to this moving though, and has begun to ask if he can sleep in the bed with me the whole night through. A few times we have let him. Sleeping with Stephen though is a bit, I imagine, like sleeping with sort sort of octopus. Arms and legs flail out, kick back, reach up, flop around and, well, you get the idea. Ansley will cuddle right up and sleep. Stephen sleeps just fine too, but not without the constant movement.  A few times I have woken up in the morning after a night bed sharing with Stephen (and a few hours with Ms. Molly James as well) feeling a bit like I was tossed about in a clothes dryer. But we deal with it. It wont last forever. And we are hearing about this fire dream less often these days.I imagine he will be back to normal quite soon. My brown eyed, blonde (???) haired little boy.

Ansley's new obsession is the Olympics. I can't imagine where she gets her excitement. The poor child asked the other day if she, too, could one day be a beach volleyball player. I think my parental obligation is to encourage her in whatever her pursuits, but lets be honest, in the word's a friend, Ms. Chris Burrell, she is a tiny tail. In both weight and height. So beach volleyball might not be her thing. And after watching the agony of a mistake, hearing the awful tales of separation, financial struggle, and watching your child's dreams crash in but a moment, I have no desire to push her into being an Olympic gymnast. Nonetheless, she is happy to walk along the back of the couch (balance beam) and cartwheel across the living room floor.She is 100% ready for 3rd grade to begin. Good Lord, third grade?? My blue eyed girl with light brown hair who has recently begun a love affair with accessories. Jewelry, scarves, hats, sunglasses - she loves them. Of course, she also is happy to have a good bike ride up and down the street.

And finally Ms. Molly James. Quick to smile but also quick to tell you she is tired of whatever she is currently doing or not doing. More likely you will get a fuss, rather than a full out cry, but if you don't move quickly enough, she is not afraid to unleash the tears. Her bottom lip will poke right out when she is sad or when a noise startles her. Jamey's personal mission to capture the lip out on camera has not yet been successful but hopefully we will catch at least one shot of it. Cuz, dang, its cute!!
Molly James has not shown much interest in the Olympics quite yet. She has rolled over a few times, but not consistently yet. She sure can kick around in the bathtub though and will grin up at me the entire time. Sweet, soft little blue eyed baby girl.

I do love these three. 

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
(Hamlet, 1.2.123-6)

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