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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Come Here......Come. here. Come Heeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeee.

Netflix has introduced my boy and girl to the Huxtable family. Stephen likes it, but Ansley loves it. We are almost through with Season One and she sits and doesn't move during an episode except to laugh and laugh and laugh.

"This show is great." Ansley says. "You have to watch this, mama. Have you seen this??"
She is laughing out loud as I type this at Cliff trying to find a spot in the bed with Vanessa (who sneaked into a scary movie and is now too scared to sleep alone) wedged in the middle flopping arms and legs. 

"This show is like listening to a story."  Ansley said.

Jamey and I used to watch it a lot before we had kids. One of the best scenes ever is when Cliff is standing in the hallway upstairs telling the two youngest girls, "Come. Here." The girls don't move. "Come. Here." he repeats. and again - the girls don't move.

Jamey and I hear ourselves saying that all the time. We laugh every time and we probably will forever.

In other news, Jamey was very upset that I failed to mention his 1st place WIN at the MOT rib cookoff last weekend! So congrats to Jamey and Jeremy for bringing home the 1st place prize.

Anyone out there on Twitter? Add Hillbillydew and you can have the honor of following the winner of the 1st annual MOT rib cookoff.

One week til our break for Mardi Gras!


'BOTB said...

I love that Ansley loves the Huxtables. What a childhood staple. Shows like that just don't exist any more...

FYI, my favorite episode is the one where they lip sync for the grandparents...or maybe the one where Theo wants to move out and when he comes home, they start charging him for everything.

aeb said...

Love this post... and love KP's comment :) SO true about the childhood staple! Love and miss you!