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Friday, October 9, 2009

Tv TIme

Jamey and I pretty particular about what we let our kids watch on tv. We watch the Disney Channel and lots and lots of PBS. Although lots of Ansley's friends have started watching things like Hannah Montana and ICarly, she doesn't. Not yet anyway. She has not asked to watch it and I have not offered. She is 5. There is plenty of time for that later. We don't watch Spongebob in our house either. I am certainly not saying all kids should not watch it - but it just doesn't fit in our house. Things like the phrase, "duh" and crude jokes will one day inevitably sneak into my kids world, I know, but for now, this is the system that works for our family.

That being said, Jamey and I were watching Criminal Minds the other night. Both our kids know that when mom and dad say "This is not a kids show" - they have to go play in their rooms or watch a video in my room. In all honesty, this may happen once a month as our TV pretty much is on football or HGTV. The clock read 8:57 so Criminal Minds had maybe 60 seconds of show left. In walks Stephen who looks up at the TV in time to a man shoot another man right in the chest from about 6 feet away. Great.
Stephen and Jamey looked at each other.
'That was a bad man." Stephen said.
"Yep", said Jamey.
"Him has a shootin' thing." said Stephen.
"Yep, he did." said Jamey.
"When I grow up, When I grow up, When I grow up" (At this point both Jamey and I are waiting to hear that when Stephen grows up he will have a shootin thing, BUT)

"When I grow up, I will be a daddy and wear big shoes and have a tall truck." And then he runs off to find his sister for a new game.

5K is tomorrow!!!Thanks for the encouraging notes!!

1 comment:

'BOTB said...

You are such an amazing mother! I hope that I can be half as good as you when I'm a mommy.