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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ansley spent an hour or so this afternoon making candy suckers for her friends at school. She really worked hard and did a great job. We took a class a few weeks ago to learn how to make them. I enjoyed the hour with my girl.
While Ansley and I were in the kitchen, Stephen and Jamey very nicely cleaned out my car. I went out at one point to check on the boys and found Stephen throwing cheerios out of the back seat into the grass one at a time. "Mama, this is just gross. Where did all these cheerios come from? Someone put them in your car!"
"Really?" I said. "I wonder who could have left a trail of army men, cheerios, and legos in my backseat?"
"It is like a mystery, mama. Like on ScoobyDo!" he said.

Here are a few pictures of Ansley hard at work in the kitchen. 
Here she is melting the chocolate in the microwave...
The chocolate is melted and ready to go...
Pouring the chocolate into the molds...

Here are some of the candies wrapped and ready for delivery in Ms. Brown's first grade class...
 Here is a closeup of one of her creations...
 After candy making, we turned to cookies. We will deliver these to a few special people tomorrow.
Happy Valentine's Day from the Duke Family!

1 comment:

MBH said...

How sweet! I love her cooking abilities! Also, tell Stephen that Mrs. Morgan and Peyton have the same mystery in our car. If he figures out who is causing the crime, tell him to let me know! :)