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Thursday, March 29, 2012

22 days

22 days? Ansley counted out the days on the calender on my phone this morning. I have had exactly ZERO people tell me I will make it that far...which I hope does not mean that I will go way overdue just because life tends to be ironic like that.

I don't really know when she is coming. It would be nice, because of a potential off the radar flyby of a certain brother of mine, if it happened at one time more than another, but I really have no feelings as to when it might happen.

Am I ready?

I don't remember being quite so whiny with my other two. Maybe God helps erase the memory of the challenges that come with pregnancy. I have heard several people suggest as much. I have never had trouble sleeping in my life. The past few months? I lie there wide awake for hours. They tell you not to lay there if you aren't sleeping. To get up and do something, but not anything that has a screen (tv, phone) because that stimulates your brain and causes you not to get sleepy. .... Um, what does one do at 2am? So I read some (but oops, that is on a kindle) and I go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. Am I going to clean something? Or do laundry. Not hardly.
I also seem to have developed the heartburn from hell. Heartburn, reflux, whatever you want to call it. It. Is. Awful. I went from eating Tums like candy to zantac twice a day, and when I go to the dr tomorrow, I will be getting a prescription for something stronger b/c zantac is no longer cutting it every 12 hours. I am barely making it 8 before the fire starts in my chest and throat. It is no joke, yall. (See, told you I am whiny these days.)

On the positive side - I am relishing the movements of our soon to arrive baby girl. The kids have spent lots of time feeling her move, singing to her, talking to her, asking her when she is coming out (I would like to know that same). I think she has run out of some of her room though - its more jabs than rolls that I am feeling.

My blood pressure seems to be hanging in there. I can certainly feel when it goes up. I feel awful when it does happen. I don't even have to look at the cuff reading to know when it is up. But they fact that I am still pregnant and not on bed-rest 24 hours a day is good news really. She needs to be ready when she comes.

What a special time for us though. I said this back a few months ago, but this is really "our baby." as a family. We talk about her as if she belongs to each one of us, and she does. She has a daddy who is so fabulous (side note to any guys who read this. Women LOVE a man who is a hands on, encouraging and loving daddy.), she has a sister who will see to it that her every need is met and a big brother who is ready to teach her to kick a soccer ball and pump her legs to swing without being pushed.

I am ready to see her. To know this person who I spend 24 hours a day with right now, but can't see quite yet.

We are waiting baby girl. Whenever you are ready, so are we.

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