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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Day and other thoughts

Well, I did something today I have never done before: I stood in line to vote. No, it was not my first time to vote - I have been voting since I turned 18. But this was the first time I stood in line for a significant amount of time. And to me, an hour is significant! I can't really get into the 24 hour coverage of the election. It is what it is and watching it slowly unfold is just not appealing to me.
I do hope whoever wins, and at this point it looks as if Obama will, that he doesn't screw things up! I will be watching for the change he has promised for so many months. And I am glad that the elections are almost over! And does anyone else get sick over the amount of money on campaigning spent by BOTH parties? Anyway - that is my tangent for today.

Both of the kiddos are asleep. Stephen has been going to bed about 7:30 and this means he is getting almost 11 hours of sleep at night. He needs it - he plays so hard at school. Ansley is usually asleep by 8:30 if not before. My kids have always been good sleepers once I got them off their night nursing addictions. When you work, it is much easier to give in and nurse them (which is what they want) than to try to get them to self soothe back to sleep 4, 5, or 6 times a night. Sometimes I felt like an all night buffet! But I wouldn't change anything. I loved nursing those babies. What a special thing.

Lets see - in this post I have discussed politics and nursing - and neither were planned topics! Those of you who know me well wont mind, I am sure :-)

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