We planned a trip to Calloway Gardens to see the Christmas lights they have each year - Think Bellingrath Gardens more on a Disney World scale. It. was. freezing. My parents traveled with us and Jamey and my mom took turns snuggling a tiny 3 year old body to share some warmth. She loved it. She loved roasting her marshmallows. She loved going on the tractor ride and seeing all the lights. We sang Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer which was her absolute favorite song at the time. And all the while, I carried a tiny 8 pound bundle of precious babyness in a sling under wraps of jackets and scarves. He was very happy to be right there, to nurse as he wanted (nursing is a big passion for me for those who do not know) and he stayed snuggly warm the whole night. I nursed him throughout most of the hayride and I am pretty sure 99% of the other people on the ride had no idea of his existence. His little head in a little hat. I love baby hats.
Tonight I am packing for North Carolina. Again, we are headed to see my brother and his wife and spend Thanksgiving together. This time, thank God, he is not leaving for Iraq soon (that I know of) but they are leaving soon for a 3 year Germany placement. I try not to think about it too much. Of course, we are excited to go and visit them, but I am going to miss them being in the same country with me of course.
I was pulling out winter clothes - scarves, gloves, hats - and discovered I had not one single hat that would fit the head of my big three year old boy. And let me tell you, that was one of those moments....
He has a cold right now. He is as stuffed up as he can be. But he wants kisses before bed and I am happy to oblige. He says to me sort of but mostly to himself, "Who is my friend? Sisi, Mommy, Daddy. Dis is my friends. And Hoho - Hoho (he means Santa) is my friend when he brings me a good boy toy. And Eli. Eli is a baby. But he wants to sleep in my bed, but him can't."
Little hats that don't fit...big boys telling me wonderful stories...
Slow down, Time...slow down.