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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our week in Tennessee - Part One

Heading up to the Mayfield Ice Cream Factory (notice the yellow brick road)

Stephen not wanting his picture made while walking to the factory

Five kids on a cow

This girl prefers sherbet over ice cream usually.

Five kids making a silly face in front of a really big cow.

Three girls in the hot tub. I am surprised there was any water left in it after they climbed back out.

Stephen and the ladies watching a little movie.

Stephen not wanting his picture made (shocking)

Jamey losing at pool. Or maybe he won. I can't remember now.

To soothe nerves from being the one boy of five girls, I purchased Stephen these binoculars. It helped.

Ansley takes off across the water by way of a fallen tree. She looks a tad nervous in the shot, but she really wasn't. She took off like a monkey. More monkey moves come later in the week too.

Stephen crossing the fallen log (with just a little help)

Stephen and the ladies near the creek.

Look closely to the left - the girls climbing back down from the top. Again, no fear.

A boy and his walking stick.

One of the girls went feet first into a rushing stream. A grill still warm at the picnic spot warmed and dried the socks and shoes nicely. But let me say, she was a trooper. I would have whined incessantly about my cold wet feet. She did not.

My girl in the mountains.

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