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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sick man update

Well, the nap seemed to help. Although his throat obviously hurts b/c he wont drink much and he is drooling b/c it hurts to swallow. Poor baby!

Fever is about the same. Jamey is staying home with him tomorrow so hopefully that will give him another day to get better.

Edited to add - fever no better and he is refusing liquids so we are off to the dr. The nurse was concerned about dehydration. I will update tonight.

10:00pm - we are back from the dr. and Stephen is not a happy little guy to say the least. He has hand and mouth disease (which means fever and a mouth full of blisters) and he also has an unrelated throat and tonsil infection - which OF COURSE is viral so we left the dr's office with NOTHING> no meds, no prescriptions - the doctor wished me luck. What the hell???

Anyway - he is resting now. Pray that his mouth heals quickly. It looks horrible and miserable. He is staying home the rest of the week.

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