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Thursday, July 21, 2011

There are no words for that...

 So Jamey and I have pretty much been apart from each other about two weeks now. I was out of town for work, came home, and then about 12 hours later he left for a week.

but he comes home tonight.

My mom asked me how I was doing. She gets it. My friends Shannan gets it. They both understand that I am just better when he is around. At least when he is in the same part of the state I am in. We have been married 10 and a half years. My mom always says she knew it when I was a teenager - that she would watch me marry him one day. I just do better with him here. I understand that many, many people are separated from their others for extremely long periods of time. I am sure they think me nuts for thinking two weeks is a long time. But to me, it is. And I can't help how I feel.

"When does daddy get here?' Stephen asked today.

"He is coming tonight." I said. "Isn't that good news?"

"Yes." said Stephen. "I guess we will have four whole people living in this house tonight."

Yep - four whole people. We are whole when we are together.

"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that."
Brian Andreas (Story People)

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