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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer afternoons...

Here are a few pictures I took Tuesday evening. We started out with the goal of watering our orange trees and kumquat bushes, but 10 minutes later, everyone was wet and Ansley had changed into her bathing suit. It was a good time for all of us and a great way to "end" summer since I had to go back to work today.

On a side note, some kid bit Stephen yesterday. Jamey is ready to teach him how to box so next time he can lay the kid out. It didn't break the skin thank goodness, and I understand kids bite, but good lord. I sure don't feel like mama of the year when my baby comes home in the afternoon with a bite report.

Enjoy the pictures!


Ellis said...

Hey Lettie,
Those pictures are so cute! Your kids are adorable!

Where do you teach? I'm going to be teaching K4 at UMS this year. I hope you have a good school year.

Talk to you soon!

A said...

so funny...the first time Kade got bit...Keith was ready to rumble...but then Kade bit the little kid back and Keith was high-fiving him...ahh, Boys!!!